The submarine's galley is one of the most important facilities aboard the boat. All food for the entire crew, including the officers, was prepared here. Because the submarine service depends on volunteers the food is always the highest possible quality. Working in this very small, but very efficient, space the mess cooks prepared three meals a day (and continuous snacks) including all bread and other baked goods for up to 100 or more men. It is interesting to note that these galleys were among the first 'all-electric' kitchens.
Just outside the galley is the crew's mess area. The four tables and benches here seat up to 24 men at a time. When meals were not being served this space was used as a general purpose meeting and lounge area for the crew.
Below is a photo of Cod's leading cook & baker, George Sacco, taken in the galley during WW-II. Most of the original equipment is still in Cod's galley. (Note: The Hobart mixer, just over George's left shoulder, was recently acquired and reinstalled in the galley.